Kerygma – Catechesis – Mystagogy

Please find below a video about the different levels of Christian Formation. You may read further below as well about the complete list of different stages of Formation.

The Complete Journey

We may take the following picture and the physical journey from point 1 to point 10 as a good description of the complete Spiritual Journey. (Please see a complete description of the Spiritual Journey according to the Gospel with 11 Diagrams commented. Click here.)

1 to 2: Kerygma

1 to 2: Kerygma: Five steps that lead us to (2) where we consider that we are following Jesus: a- Initial Trust, b- Spiritual Curiosity, c- Spiritual Openness, d- Spiritual Seeking, e- Intentional Discipleship.

2: Intentional Discipleship i.e. Conversion. Receiving Christ in ones life. Starting to follow Him.


2 to 3: Catechesis

2 to 3: Basic Adult Catechesis: learning the four parts of the Catechism: a- the Creed (what we believe in), b- Liturgy and the Sacraments, c- how we live, live with Christ, d- how do we pray.

3: Second Conversion

3 to 5: Mystagogy

3 to 4: Initial Spiritual Growth (St Teresa of Avila 4th Mansions). The supernatural starts, i.e. the direct and personal action of the Holy Spirit.

4 to 5: Stabilisation, rooting in God’s will. “Union of will” (see St Teresa of Avila 5th Mansions). First liberation for the Body’s Rule. Comparable to the crossing of the Red Sea.


5 to 8: Mysticism

5 to 6: Radical change is God’s way of dealing with us. Deep purification. Desert. Changing the way we follow Jesus, from human to divine. The night that makes the Saints. The climbing is almost vertical.

6: Spiritual Engagement. Entering the Promised Land.

7: Spiritual Marriage with Jesus. Full Union with Jesus: “it is not me who lives, bt Jesus who lives in me”. There is no obstacle between Jesus and the Human being. Entering the 7th Mansion of St Teresa of Avila. (Equivalent to building of the Jerusalem Temple: indwelling of God in the Temple.)

7 to 8: Enjoyment of Marriage. See St John of the Cross, Spiritual Canticle, the Stanzas after Spiritual Marriage (excluding the last 5).

9 to 10: Apostolic Life – Witnessing

8 to 9: Increase in the transformation and participation into God’s Being and operations, and intensity of the action of the Holy Spirit in us: the soul starts the “sparkling”. (see St John of the Cross the 5 last Stanzas of the Spiritual Canticle and the “Living Flame of Love”) “a pure act of love is more precious in the eyes of God and the soul, and more profitable to the Church, than all other good works together” (St John of the Cross, Spiritual Canticle B, Stanza 29,2) See as well the Act of Oblation to the Merciful Love of God of St Therese, and its effects.

9 to 10: Apostolic Life. Witnessing to Christ. Participating into various trials. Participating into Jesus’ Passion. “I rejoice in my sufferings for you, and I am completing in my flesh what is lacking in Christ’s afflictions for His body, that is, the church.” (Col 1:24) “For I am now ready to be offered, and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought a good fight, I have finished [my] course, I have kept the faith: ” (2 Tim 4:6-7) See St Therese’s Trial. See Mother Teresa last 50 years.

9 to 10 could have in it various stages, a variety of “states”, trials and experiences. All are like the extension of Jesus’ Life.

10: Christian Death: true Martyrdom (at least the inner one). See St John of the Cross, Living Flame of Love, Stanza 1 last verse (“Tear through the veil of this sweet encounter!“) commentary. See St Therese’s Death as an example.

(Please see as well a complete description of the Spiritual Journey according to the Gospel (13 posts), click here.)